1. All products are made from virgin polyethylene
2. High tensile strength and puncture resistance
3. Light weight hence ease of handling
4. Outstanding flexibility hence suited to cover irregular shapes
5. Tough and durable
Heat sealed hemming with strong joints; no stitches
6. Protective UV stabilized on both sides and hence lasts longer even in sunny outdoors
7. 100% waterproof, leak proof, weatherproof, oil proof and rot proof
8. 100% recyclable; environment-friendly
Available in a variety of attractive colors like blue, white, green, black, etc.
9. Easily repairable and cost-effective
1. To make our customers and end users happy when the use our products and services.
2. To be recognized as the most preferred brand by delivering quality products and services
at best price.
3. To attain and maintain leadership status in our chosen field of manufacturing Tarpaulins
and allied products.
4. To continuously work towards improving our processes, products and people – all aimed
towards one goal -
5. To build trust where people can come to find a discover anything that can protect their
material from Rain and Sun.
+91 9960886502
+91 9422830440
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